
30 May 2023

Easiest Way to Create a Content Inventory of your Home

Easiest Way to Create a Content Inventory of your Home

If you have a plan and just start to insure your home, you should start by asking yourself about what is necessary if the storage of goods and securities at home is at risk of loss. You need to look for information about what and how home insurance can meet your needs. Home insurance is one of the best options you should have to be able to make a better life without any worry.

By owning a house, we have to prepare for the bad experience or the fact that sometimes houses have the potential to catch fire, be burglarized, or what has oftenly happened in certain areas of Jakarta, that are prone to heavy rains and cause floods. What do you think you can do to take precautions and prepare yourself?

Home Insurance Coverage 

Before you insure your home, you need to know what a rider is in insurance. Rider is an insurance policy provision, it covers additional benefits that will amend the terms of a basic insurance policy. An additional coverage option will be provided in the insured rides, or they may even limit coverage. You have to know when you decide to purchase a rider in an insurance policy,  usually there may be additional cost. One more thing, before you need an insurance rider, you need to know that the insurance rider can expand your coverage and protect against risks that are not covered by your standard homeowners insurance policy.  

When your insurer offers many types of home insurance endorsements, it's better for you to ask your property consultant. Your agent insurance will help you to check again the overall details of your home insurance coverage, identify coverage gaps that may exist on your current homeowners insurance policy. Afterwards, you can decide whether or not additional protection becomes necessary for your needs. 

We summarize the following explanation on how to make home content inventory for insurance:

Efficient way to create a house inventory is that you go room by room to make it easier to cover everything.

Start with taking a video or taking a photo to record all your inventory. Make sure you have a phone or camera with enough space to record your inventory video. If you're really short on time and just want to get your hands on the most expensive stuff, you can do that too for now. Once you have more time, you can go back and add the rest. When applying for inventory protection insurance, you want more coverage than a regular policy cover.

Make a note of all rare or valuable items you have in your home. For example, if you own items with high financial value, such as artwork, painting, jewelry, family heirlooms, antiques, and collectibles often require supplemental insurance. You must insure these items separately. Insurers will charge extra, but the coverage is worth it and appropriate.

Home Inventory Protection

Is the house in a high risk zone?

If your home is located in a high risk area such as flood, hurricane, tornado zone, and where security assistance such as the nearest fire station is a few miles away, you may need to add long distance riders to your policy (or you can ask to get separate policy) to cover these costs specifically. Once you’ve decided on the right type of homeowner's insurance for your home, look around the insurance coverage that insurance companies have available, and get multiple offers to offer leverage by negotiation. For example, if you already have car insurance with a company that also provides homeowners insurance, you may be able to get competitive rates with them because you are an existing customer. If you want a professional opinion, you can also consult an insurance agent to determine the coverage that best suits your needs.

High Risk Zone House

Once you’ve covered all inventory in the rooms of your home, save it in a secure location.

Make sure you save it outside your home, for example; somewhere like an account in the Cloud is a perfect spot, since it is accessible from any device. This is for no risk of losing your inventory data or being damaged if something happens to or in your home.

Property agents such as Ray White Menteng can help you by providing consultation services to be able to cover all the inventory lists of homes that will be insured to be more precise, with your property agent, you will also be directly assisted by direct coordination and cooperation with a trusted insurance agent. Therefore it can be efficient directly from one door, right?

Hence, you can save your time and energy! Ray White Menteng  will also bring items that may be excluded from your policy to your attention. We hope this information can help you to make home content inventory for insurance.

“Ray White Menteng, Your Best Property Agency Since 1998”


Rider definition from Investopedia.com
